And those who kept prepared the home and the belief before them, such are loving the ones who migrated into them and are not having any desire in their chests from what are given to them even though they themselves are suffering difficulty of inconvenience; whoever is abstained from the covetousness of the soul, such are the prospers.
This means that the poor among the Ansar also have a right to such wealth. Even though they faced many hardships, they were always ready to assist the Muhajirun (migrants) without expecting any reward from anyone except the pleasure and reward of Allah.
Whoever, by recognizing himself, his Lord, and the purpose of life, utilizes Adhikr—the Food, Cloth, and Sight of the human soul—and gives preference to his brother over himself, will indeed prosper. The one-in-a-thousand believer who is free from the covetousness of the soul, miserliness, selfishness, etc., is the one who truly prospers. Verse 64:16 also ends with “Whoever is abstained from the covetousness of the soul, such are the prosperers.” See explanations of 2:177, 4:128, 39:41-42, and 49:10.